Dear Family and Friends,
It has been a fantastic week. We spent Tuesday packing and Wednesday moving to a new apartment. Thursday was Zone Conference, and Friday was Weekly Planning. It was awful; we lost so much time to work! Roxana is doing extremely well, and while moving took away some time we would normally have for missionary work, we have still been able to find some more potential investigators and help the investigators we already have. Even with the moving, it's been alright. Roxana came to the Book of Mormon class as well as church!
She said something savage at the Book of Mormon class. When someone pointed out that her little boy wandered off, she just said "Esta bien; si se pierde, hare otro." That means "It's okay; if he gets lost, I'll make another." Savage! The more we teach Roxana, the more we realize she is absolutely hilarious! We're so excited to continue teaching her and help her to continue progressing. She wants to get her own job so she can provide for herself without relying on her boyfriend, Eladio. She committed to live the Law of Chastity, and we're really excited for her.
It's been a good week.
Love you all!
Elder Adams
Questions from Editor Mom
Hi Ben! Does your first name sound weird to you after nearly 2 years of being called Elder Adams? - Yes. Very.
When did you move? How did it go? - We started moving on Tuesday and more or less finished on Wednesday. It went well, but sucked up all our time for missionary work and exhausted us. It went well, it was just absolutely horrifically awful to actually do. I have decided I now hate moving.
Why the move? - The Vintage Apartments, where we were living, were really expensive for the Mission to keep paying rent for. The lease was about to end, and there were a few other apartments available, so they went for it.
Are you still living with the two English-speaking elders? - We are, yes.
Have you gotten your flight plans for coming home in May? - No. They won't give them to me yet, because they don't want to distract me. They'll give me a few weeks before I actually leave.
What are you looking forward to in your mission now? - I'm looking forward to doing missionary work. I'm pretty hopeful Roxana will be baptized before I'm done, but it all depends on how quickly she can resolve the boyfriend situation. Other than that, she's about as converted as most members in the Branch here.
What was the most memorable thing about the last zone conference? - It was mostly geared towards preparing to receive smartphones, but there was a training on doing exercises to take good care of our backs. That was certainly unique/memorable!
Should we invite people over to the house sometime after you get home or just invite people to come and hear your homecoming talk? - Parties? I like parties. Let's have a party!
How are your investigators? - They are doing really well! Roxana is doing especially well.
Is it warm there yet? - It's getting there, yeah.