So, this week has been an interesting one! Aren't they all! It felt about 3 days long, too. Ack! It's hard to believe I'm basically done training. It's also time for transfers again, so people are getting moved around again. Elder Brassanini, however, is finished for good. He leaves this afternoon, and he'll stay the night at the home of President and Sister Lewis, and he gets on the plane tomorrow. It's sad to see him go. Also, my wonderful companion, Elder Aguirre, is being transferred. Nooo! I guess no one can stand me for more than six weeks, eh?
I'm going to share a bit from this last week, and some of the people we've talked to. First of all, we came across someone who used to be listening to the missionaries, or a "former investigator". Her name's Sara. She and her husband had apparently been very interested in the message we share, but it was very hard to meet with them because of their crazy work schedule. We're hoping we can talk a bit more, as she showed some interest.
We also had an interesting little miracle happen with two roommates, Monserrat and Angelica. They were also former investigators, who had been very sincere in their desire to learn more. They had really been learning and doing a lot to know if it's true. However, they shied away after a bit because of the many changes that come with the Gospel. It's certainly tough sometimes!
However, we felt inspired a week or so ago to leave a little note on their door asking if they wanted to hear a message of happiness centered on Christ. A few days ago, as we were walking by, Monserrat yelled out at us, saying they wanted to talk to us and listen to our message. She asked us to come back for an appointment today! We were completely blown away. It's amazing how sometimes little things lead to bigger miracles.
Finally, a few days ago, we had a really cool lesson with a lady named Leonor. We had an appointment with a man named Ivan next door, but he didn't answer the door (or wasn't there). When that fell through, we thought we might try to say hello to his neighbors. Leonor answered the door. Our conversation soon led to a discussion about the Gospel, and we taught her the message of the restoration. She started getting a little distracted with her kid at the end, but she seemed really interested in our message. We're going to check back tonight! I pray that she has pondered on the things we shared.
Now, I'm going to talk a little bit about transfers. I'm staying here, and I'm getting a new companion. Sadly, Elder Aguirre was assigned to be a Zone Leader, not unlike Elder Wunderlich before him. It appears that every single one of my companions is assigned to be a Zone Leader after one transfer. My new companion will be Elder Boren. I'm not sure how to break the news to him about what's going to happen.
Elder Aguirre is just transferring within our apartment, to Elder Brassanini's room! While I'm sad to see him go, it's not going to be too far!
The missionaries here are so strong, and I love this ward so much. We were able to attend both a combination marriage/baptism and a funeral this week. It's truly amazing to see the faith of everyone at both of those meetings. The funny thing is, they're actually both very closely related. In both, people are ending one life and beginning a beautiful new life. Sometimes we may feel we are separated by our loved ones by an insurmountable distance, but I am so glad of the comfort that comes with the knowledge of our Heavenly Fathers plan for us.
I love you all, and I am so happy to be able to continue serving here. It's truly a privilege.
Elder Adams